Quaker Oats - Hot Oatmeal is cool! Print ad 1960.

Know what the beautiful people eat for breakfast? Right! Big steaming bowls of it. Because oatmeal swings. It really does. On a cold wintry morning, oatmeal absolutely turns you on. As a part of your breakfast menu, it gives you a healthy helping of energy that puts you in gear for the whole day. It's a good, natural, stick•to-the•ribs food that makes breakfast one honest meal.

And tastes warm and nutty and good, besides. In its funny old-fashioned way, Quaker Oats is a modern nutritionist's dream, It's got protein to spare. Good natural protein. Builders. Boosters. Things that make young bodies grow. And

Yet a bowl of Quoker Oats has only two more calories than a bowl of cold corn flake. Which may surprise you. And interest you, if you're watching your waistline.

Quaker Oats can help you do if without feeling hungry or wanting to sneak a snack before lunch. Here's another little surprise: more people eat Quaker Outs for breakfast than any other brand of cereal in America, hot or cold. 91,10 Could it be that at the ripe old age of ninety, we're finally becoming a teenage fad?

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