A return to the native tongue in Germany

In Germany past years fad of using English, or Denglisch (Deutsche English of course) slogans and headlines in their advertising campaign has finally reversed. derStandard believes that they've reached the apex of a trend, and there are many more noticeable campaigns in Germany now that are using German instead of gibberish. Even McDonalds has returned to the Muttersprache, and will be running all their German advertisements in German the 21st February.

This trend seems rampant in many other Euro countries where Danglish, Dutchlish and Swenglish have previously been far too common in ads, now the countries native tongue(s) are regaining their cool, and in Sweden there is even a small trend of using basic school French in ads. ;)
Hat tip to the Werbeblogger

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adlib's picture

Mein Gott! Welches folgendes? Wir sind Nr. zwei, also versuchen wir stark? Coca-cola die reale Sache? Alles ist ein Afri Cola? Oh wait that one is real. ;)

caffeinegoddess's picture

It always seemed odd to me that there were a number of ads in other countries that aren't in their native language. I was talking to someone I work with about it and they were telling me about the places that were British colonies...and how it was more of a remainder of that. But I never understood it in Euro countries.

AnonymousCoward's picture

since not all people in eurocountries speak english it's only natural to make the advertising native.
i mean, it has to work and not only sound cool, right?