Reyka "Beards" (2017) :15 (USA)

"Portland and Iceland take beards very seriously. Almost as seriously as we take our vodka." So says the bearded Icelander, talking to folks in Portlandia. Reyka has made it a mission to increase its vodka sales in Portland. So it's made a series of :15 second spots for its debut in PDX. It sounds like a niche brief, but i can't think of a better suited demographic.

Client: Reyka Vodka
Agency: Red Tettemer O’Connell + Partners
President and Chief Creative Officer: Steve Red
Executive Creative Director & Partner: Steve O’Connell
VP Creative Director: Todd Taylor
Creative Director: Chris Plehal
Senior Art Director: Dave Wiest, Justin Rentzel
Producers: Joe Mosca, Rebecca Jacobs
VP, Account Director: Jessica O’Conor
Senior Account Manager: Alexis Papazian
Production Company: Expressway Productions
Producer: Mike Gualtieri
Assistant Director: Nic Reader
Production Assistant: Adam Russell
Director of Photography: Zac Rubino
Camera Assistant: Gino Varisano
Editing House: Red Tettemer O’Connell + Partners
Editor: Chip Schofield

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