S M & V - Trains - your choice - (2010) election film

The coalitions between The SocialDemocrats, Miljöpartiet (the green party), and V (left party) show two trains choosing different directions for Sweden. One train is going to the "brighter future", while the other is going "in a totally different direction". It ends with the VO asking "what train do you choose?" just as we see an old fashioned train enter a dark tunnel, and a new X2000 train drive above ground in the sun. With this film, they hope to entice voters to side with this parties and potential coalition on Sunday when they vote.

SocialDemokraterna, Miljöpartiet, Vänsterpartiet

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omerosen's picture

Vilket sammanträffande, Rödgrönas tåget gick av spåren samt X2000.

Dabitch's picture

Hahaha, we're DOOMED

Dabitch's picture

Seriously, this ad crashed as badly as that X2000 train did. It does nothing to entice people to vote for them. I give it a "meh".

omerosen's picture

Read at Resumè that people thought it was SJ commercial. Typiskt.
Are you going to summerize val2010 somehow? I suggest ranking who gave the best campaign merchandising.

Dabitch's picture

The merch? I nicked myself some Centerpartiet dishrags the other day. That was kinda cute. Not a bad idea, I shall go to the party-cabins and see what everyone has tomorrow. I know that Fi! have really cute hot pink heart shaped 'cateye' things - pic here from a guy strutting his. It's fun to see how they try and get a message into the ad-items they give away, it used to be you could only get candies. wtf? candies? What does that say about politics?

Dabitch's picture

....though, not to bore the none-Swedes reading this to death with our political stuff, perhaps just sticking to the commercials was enough. Since this was the first election ever with tv commercials for us, that made it a whole different ballgame. In the film area, I think Miljöpartiet and Moderaterna did pretty good. Miljöpartiets message was well told, and Moderaterna broke up the stodgy conservative image quite a bit with a little glimpse of gay men crushing on each other at work. Plus, I like that angle used, when they're just saying that everyone needs a job, it's not just for the money that people work.