SAS "City Church Bells" (2016) :45 (Sweden)

The people who fly SAS are big thinkers. They don't just travel. They go beyond the "I'm a traveler not a tourist," philosophy and view every excursion into some life-changing moment, be it a city that inspires you to build your own city, or knowing you'll meet the woman of your dreams, fall in love, get married and have a nest of children surrounded by white picket fences.
In other words, people who fly SAS are crazy. Great casting here though. I love the fact I was upset the woman kept interrupting the guy at first. Then after she's done rambling, it's his turn to go off on his tangent

Agency: Åkestam Holst
Creative Director: Magnus Jakobsson
Art Director: Joakim Khoury
Copywriter: Magnus Jakobsson
Production Manager: Anna Svensson
Client Lead: Johan Östlund
Planner: Simon Gustafsson
Production company: Giants & Toys
Cinematographer: Fredrik Bäckar
Director: Jens Jonsson
Producer: Calle Isberg
Agency Producer: Leila Widgren
Post production: SWISS
Music: Adam Nordén

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