Sony Bravia - Play Doh - Online Teaser (2007) 1:30 (UK)

Today this teaser was posted to for the Play-Doh ad which is currently in post production.

Agency: Fallon

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Anonymous Adgrunt's picture
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Dabitch's picture

This better be good mates.....

RLDavies's picture

Er... if the stuff they're using is Play-Doh, then the Play-Doh people won't like them calling it "plasticine". And if it's Plasticene, then the Plasticene people REALLY won't like them calling the ad "Play-Doh".

Looks cool, though.

caffeinegoddess's picture

Hahah good point!

gordman's picture

You are right, this better be good, I guess I am gonna stick to my Backgammon for the moment and wait for your feedback for Online Teaser.