St George "Home Loan" (2013) :30 (Australia)

St. George Bank really loves its customers. Newly appointed Saatchi and Saatchi set out to demonstrate this with a rebrand.

Nothing says rebrand like a little kid playing pretend. Because there's a little dragon in all of us.

Client: St.George
Agency: Saatchi & Saatchi, Sydney
Business Director: Josie Dadd
ECD: Damon Stapleton
Creatives: Dan O'Connell & Sam Chappel
Agency Producer: Kate Gooden
Production Company: The Feds
Director: Matt Palmer
Producer: Karen Watson/Lizzy Nash
Post Production: Fanatic Films
Music: Dead Mono
Sound Design: Saatchi & Saatchi
Editor: Dave Anlezark/Saatchi & Saatchi
Media Agency: MediaCom

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