Taking branding to a new level, ink-logos

You've heard of the people who work at ad agencies who tattoo the agency logo on them. Not all logos were created equal though, some really are better than others, and to take it one step further there are those who ink real brands on themselves. This weekend Danny Corrales, aka @coolsideburns the AD you've seen at CP+B, BBDO and as a teacher at The Creative Circus, declared his love for Converse All Star and that classic logo by having them inked onto his ankles. Positioning is everything.

It probably hurt like a motherfucker, but we think the results are worth it. Nicely done Danny.

Bonus, here's a nice shot of it while in the works on instagramsrc="adland.tv/iami-advertising-founder-brands-himself-agency-logo-tattoo">ad agencies who tattoo the agency logo on them. Not all logos were created equal though, some really are better than others, and to take it one step further there are those who ink real brands on themselves. This weekend Danny Corrales, aka @coolsideburns the AD you've seen at CP+B, BBDO and as a teacher at The Creative Circus, declared his love for Converse All Star and that classic logo by having them inked onto his ankles. Positioning is everything.

It probably hurt like a motherfucker, but we think the results are worth it. Nicely done Danny.

Bonus, here's a nice shot of it while in the works on instagram

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Danny has like 500 pairs of chucks. If that's not love enough to warrant this tattoo, then I don't know what is.