Tweetphony makes music from your tweets

Dutch music ensemble Metropole Orchestra's subsidy is being threatened. So to save the orchestra and create awareness, Havas Worldwide Netherlands and digital shop Perfect Fools have created Tweetphony.

That's Tweetphony, like Symphony. Geddit?

Anyway, if you go to Tweetphony, you can compose your own song via the keyboard. Once tweeted it'll turn to a link where you can share your creation. The most interesting songs will be played by the Metropole Orchestra live on October 26th. Not only that, but they'll make an online video of the orchestra playing the chosen songs, as well as a live streaming concert online.

They're even enlisting well known Dutch artists like Alain Clark and Edwin Evers to contribute some songs of their own. What, no Legendary Pink Dots? Missed opportunity, fellas.

Tweetphony itself is quite user friendly and a fun idea. Kinda reminds me a bit of the #singmytweet stunt that TBWA/Chiat/Day did for the Grammy's last year below. This one sounds like it's a bit more fleshed out though. Hopefully the orchestra will get its due, too.

Grammy's Sing My Tweet from Justin Taylor on Vimeo.

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