Viral jingles looking to become a 2010 success story

Swedish musician Love Harnell launched a project in mid-December that is now looking to become a marketing smash hit for 2010.

The project is called - the world's first online jingles concept. On the website Love offers to write and perform customized video jingles for brands and individuals - but he only offers 365 jingles, one for each day of the year. The cost for the January 1st 2010 jingle is only 1 USD and the cost then increase by one dollar a day throughout the year.

The concept is already a success as Love has already sold out January, February and half of March to brands and individuals from around the world. Among the most interesting customers you will for instance find Yahoo! that ordered a celebration jingle from Lovejingles to be published on March 1st 2010 when the famous online brand celebrates its 15th anniversary.

Love also supports his jingles by sharing them in social media on Facebook (, Twitter ( and YouTube (

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