Virgin Mobile Capitalizes on Spitzer Scandal

Via Engadget
Actual ad which will run in Toronto newspapers. The text reads:

"At Virgin Mobile, you're more than just a number. When you call us we'll treat you like a person, not a client. Whether you're #9 or #900, you'll get hooked up with somebody who'll finally treat you just how you want to be treated."

Agency: Virgin Mobile In-House
Chief Marketing Officer: Nathan Rosenberg
Creative Director: Christopher Johnston
Copywriter: Jeremy Elder

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Anonymous Adgrunt's picture
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Dabitch's picture

HA HA HA! Thank you so much for posting that. Made me laff.

Allan1's picture

I like the last line in the text - "You've probably already guessed this, but no celebrity endorsement is intended or implied".


craigmwriter's picture

I've blogged on this very subject (tying into current events) recently at