Volkswagen - How does a little bug survive in the automotive jungle? Inconspicuously. (1967) printad (USA)

How does a little bug survive in the automotive jungle?


It's rarely observed around gas stations. Because it doesn't often need gas. (It gets around 27 miles to a gallon.) It doesn't often need tires. (It gets around 40,000 miles to a set.) And it never goes near the water. (A Volkswagen's engine is cooled by air in- stead of water, which means it doesn't need anti-freeze either.)

As you can see, the care and feeding of a bug doesn't amount to much. So even though it isn't one of those real wild jungle animals, it makes an ideal house pet.

That explains how 2 little bugs who came to America in 1949 multiplied into 2,000,000. 


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