Washington State Lottery - Dogs best friend (Directors cut) - (2009) :30 (USA)

Handing over the mike to Dattner Dispoto cinematographer Don Davis who has this to say:

“The job came out great. When you get a state lottery job it usually does not excite you. But this one came in from one of the best directors in the world [Josh Taft]. So I looked at it. It was good. Then I looked at the last one they did and it was also good. So I figured in the hands of Josh Taft it could be great.

“We shot on the Red camera (2 Red cameras, in fact) and we really pushed the envelope; white hot whites and down fill lights… Josh agreed and so did the agency, and we went for it. As for the crew – especially the gaffer – I don't think they had seen this camera pushed to the limit before. But we believed and most of all the agency and client went along with us.

“That’s how we got the look. The lensing and composition are just great contemporary film making. A camera is a camera, it is not what you record it on that counts, it is what you record. I used to have a film and then an HD reel, now it is melding together. This is a new medium, it should be embraced, not ridiculed.”


Director: Josh Taft
Production Company: Supply and Demand
Location: Seattle
Shoot dates: 4/29/09
Camera: Red Cams

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