Windex "The story of Lucy" (2017) 3:00 (USA)

Touching coming-of-age tory of a captain of a ship and his daughter Lucy. Spot begins with his racing off the ship to get to the hospital to see her in her crib. The story progresses as her love-for-daddy has to adjust and get used to the reality that he works from afar. They keep in touch via radio and he comes back when he can like a helicopter parent. She gets through the difficult teen years and keeps growing until she's married and then the spot ends where it begins, with the now older (and still working after all these years) father leaves the boat to race to the hospital to see his daughter's newborn baby.
But not before a custodian sprays the window with Windex.
And then the line comes in: What's between us, connects us.
This spot is subtle in the way it effortlessly shows off glass surfaces in nearly every shot without ever feeling gratuitous. From mom wiping a mirror, to the rear view mirror to a glass microwave, to windows, more mirrors, car windows, a telescope and the hospital windows, too. Sure you can see the ending coming a mile away. But it's a nice thought that what is between us connects us. At least as far as relationships and mirrors and windows go. Microwave ovens not so much.
The only thing that isn't subtle is the music choice. "Beautiful thing," by thirteen-year old Grace Vanderwaal is so sugary you might need a toothbrush after hearing it.

Client: Windex
Song: "Beautiful Thing" by Grace Vanderwaal

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Toddler girl running to dad was so adorable swear my ovaries screamed.