Yellow Pages X-Ray

Yellow Pages X-Ray

To demonstrate Yellow Pages classification ”X-ray”
we made the word ”X-ray” visible only when turning the page
in the magazine while exposing it to a source of light,
in the exact same manner that a real x-ray is read by a radiologist.

Agency: Shalmor Avnon Amichay/Y&R Interactive Tel Aviv

Date: January 2010

Chief Creative Director: Gideon Amichay
Executive Creative Director: Tzur Golan
Creative Director: Yariv Twig
Art Director: Karmel Kamal Abuzlaf
Copywriter: Lior Shoham
Photographer: Menachem Reiss

Executive Client Director: Adam Avnon
Account Supervisor: Shiran Chen Barazani
Account Manager: Ester Smilg

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Dabitch's picture

That's pretty neat, classic print trick used well!

Shalmor Avnon Amichay YR Israel's picture
