Yoppie CEO releases statement regarding "bleeders", offers no apology for the term

Just yesterday we posted "Yoppie menstrual cycle care company calls its potential customers "bleeders", attracts ire", noting in the post that it's only in the CEO's quote that they avoided the word woman. It's used in the rest of the Instagram post. The "breeder" image has become viral on social media, where both Yoppie's Instagram and Twitter has been inundated with upset comments.

The noise on social media reached the CEO's ear, so today, Daniella Peri made a blog post to explain her stance and announced said post on Twitter.


I recently referred to women as ‘bleeders’, but also in the same post used ‘women’. I used the word ‘bleeders’ for our new campaign ‘Ride your cycle’ as I feel it best describes the point we are trying to make; that ‘menstrual health’ is so much more than the days you bleed.

Yoppie is focused on being a brand welcoming all those who have a menstrual cycle - it’s what we do. But, being at the forefront of menstrual health, how we describe it and talk to our customers is fraught with challenges, mistakes and learnings. After all that’s part of being a genuine brand.

We recognise the menstrual cycle is a biological function. We should be proud of this cycle, of bleeding from our uterus, it’s what makes us different. So we want to have this conversation, to bust the social stigma of talking about it publicly.

We strongly believe all women, girls and people with a menstrual cycle should feel welcome at Yoppie. We also understand there are many women who don’t have periods and some people who menstruate who are not women. We’re proud to host a safe space for anyone wishing to take charge of their menstrual health.

If this conversation increases discussion within families and friendship groups to the level that people now talk about mental health - surely this is a great thing? We must remove any stigma of the menstrual cycle and periods and open up the conversation.

The big question is how can brands like Yoppie talk directly to their customers, simply and eloquently, without causing offence to many. Can we, is that even possible?

We’re an open, straight-talking and transparent brand that is trying to navigate the right language. We will continue to promote that discrimination prevents all people from having equal opportunities - and we make no apology for that stance. This is the hard conversation everyone needs to have and we’re here to have it. Join the conversation.

The replies to the Twitter post are overwhelmingly negative, and some are rather funny. It's clear that the audience doesn't appreciate her doubling down on this topic.


Just like Always and a whole host of other feminine product brands, Yoppie wanted to be inclusive to all people who menstruate including those who don't identify as women, or girls. In hoping to include that tiny percentage of potential customers, they managed to piss everyone off. Bravo. "Target market: EVERYONE" is not a thing, you have to decide who you are talking to and try not to insult them.

I've been watching feminine hygiene products brands try to rename their core customer group for years now, in a slow creep. An early adopter was Thinx who sold "panties for people with periods" back in 2016. But no matter how these brands phrase it, the takeaway for women and girls seeing these ads is that somehow even the word woman, or girl, is shameful. No wonder young girls don't want to grow up to be women anymore. The word itself is now like Voldemort, "Must-Not-Be-Named" as if it is a horrible thing.


As always, hire a professional copywriter to come up with your alternative phrases, because as I pointed out yesterday, this is an insult in British English. According to the CEO's LinkedIn and many profiles of her around the web, she has been established in London, UK since 2014. That's certainly a lot longer than I lived in the UK, yet I knew the meaning of this word and she apparently did not. If you find the ad and the choice of words offensive, that is something for ASA UK to consider. 


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Anonymous Adgrunt's picture
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Anonymous Adgrunt's picture

Calling women bleeders is psychotic.

Anonymous Adgrunt's picture

"bleeders" was very confusing for us cockneys.

Anonymous Adgrunt's picture

She's a bleeding fool, and that word salad non-apology is only making it worse.

Rabbit Tina 's picture

I get the impression this woman knows nothing about biology, and her products are probably just as poorly selected as her words. Because in this tweet, they sa y women are women "ejaculators" I kid you not. What kind of women is she talking about? I'll never know.

Anonymous Adgrunt's picture

You can use Nitter.net instead of Twitter.com to see a full thread of replies better, and without Javascript. Like this: https://nitter.net/its_yoppie/status/1504087524607774727

Dabitch's picture

Very useful. Thanks.

Dabitch's picture

Thanks, that's very useful.