2010 Full Tilt Poker "We Play" Campaign - Agency: WONGDOODY

Full Tilt Poker "Losing" - Agency: WONGDOODY
Full Tilt Poker "Play Like Ivey" - Agency: WONGDOODY
Full Tilt Poker "Walk" - Agency: WONGDOODY

WONGDOODY debuts its latest international campaign for online poker site Full Tilt Poker. The new campaign’s sophisticated black-and-white creative executions position the brand as the purveyor of true poker, and feature the 14 professional poker players who make up Team Full Tilt. The message of “constant improvement,” which research and focus groups identified as a key driver for true poker players, is prevalent throughout the work. The 2010 Full Tilt Poker campaign will consist of nine TV spots and 10 prints ads shown in more than 20 countries.

Top ad: "Losing is beautiful.
The feeling in your stomach when someone calls your bluff. The melody of the clink-clink-clink as another player rakes in your chips. The realization your greatest opponent is also your greatest teacher. When you can find beauty in losing, you've started learning how to win."

Middle ad: "Play 90 hours per week.
4,680 hours a year.
Agonize over every move.
Relive every mistake.
Forget the bracelets you've won.
Focus on the ones you haven't.
Anyone can play like Ivey.
But nobody does."

Bottom ad: "We don't know what we're walking into. We play to find out."

Agency: WONGDOODY - http://www.wongdoody.com
Creative Directors: Tracy Wong, Michael Boychuk, Court Crandall
Art Director: Ben Schneider
Copywriter: Julia Regan
Account Director: Greg Falcione
Account Supervisor: Cristina Prusz
Agency Print Producer: Vickie Palm
Photographer: Joel Lipton

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