2011 Asian Cup - "Sandman vs. Waterman" - (2011) 1:53 (United Arab Emirates)

In METAphrenie’s latest promo for the AFC 2011 Asian Cup two fully CG soccer teams do battle in some of Qatar’s most iconic locations. The sand and water characters take part in an epic match spanning from Sealine, to Losail Village, and finally to a showdown in Khalifa Stadium.

Project Name: “Sandman vs. Waterman” 2011 Asian Cup Promo
Debut Date: December 18, 2010
Length: 1:53

Client: Al Kass Sport Channel, Doha, Qatar
General Manager: Essa Bin Abdulla Al-Hitmi
Creative Manager: Philippe Chapon
Producer: Gabrielle Freiha

Design & Production Company: METAphrenie, Dubai, UAE
Director: Andrea Dionisio
Music Company: Supersoul Productions, Berlin, Germany
Composer/Sound Designer: Xaver von Treyer
Live-Action Production Company: Filmworks, Dubai, UAE

Executive Producers: Amanda Confavreux, Petar J

Facilitating Production Company: Creative Design, Doha, Qatar

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