Africa Rocks for the San Diego Zoo, print posters and key art

San Diego Zoo have created the Africa Rocks exhibit, these are the posters for it.

“The team was given an incredible creative opportunity with the exhibit’s name ‘Africa Rocks.’ We were inspired to illustrate the diversity of habitats & animals through familiar rock themes and iconography we all grew up with,” notes M&C Saatchi LA Associate Creative Director/AD Ron Tapia. “By implementing a different style for each media and habitat, the “Rock” theme was consistent, but every piece of creative felt both fresh and a little familiar at the same time, appealing to the San Diego Zoo’s wide audience.”

See the full article showing the entire campaign here.

Print Poster Illustration:


Kyle Lambert

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Kate Logan's picture

Will the Africa Rocks posters be available for purchase?

Dabitch's picture

I'm not sure, but they should be. Please email the San Diego Zoo to suggest it.