Airborne - Running of the Kids (2007) 0:40 (USA)

Director’s Cut.
Production Company: The Joneses, Santa Monica, Calif.

Agency: TenUnited, Pittsburgh.
Steve Smith - creative director/copywriter
Frank Longo - associate creative director/art director
Mark Shenberger - director of broadcast production/producer

Production: The Joneses, Santa Monica, Calif.
The Goetz Brothers - director
Mel Gragido - executive producer
Beth Aranda-Hodzic - producer
Brandon Mastripolito - director of photography
Mark Oppenheimer - first assistant director

Editorial: Jigsaw, Santa Monica, Calif.
David Trachtenburg - editor

Music: 740 Design, Santa Monica. (Director’s cut)

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Ok, the pamplona running of the bulls is soon overtaking weddings as Adlands most overused setting/idea.