Airport Agonies Amplified in Comedy Campaign Directed by Tuff’s Paul B. Cummings for Allegiant Airlines

Director Paul B. Cummings’ collaboration with agency R&R Partners brings comedic relief to everyday airport grievances in the latest campaign for Allegiant Airlines. From everyone's “favorite” lady fumbling in her bag for a paper ticket to litigious-worthy gate seat theft, the triumvirate of spots highlight the quirky lowlights of air travel – heightening passengers shared experiences in the terminal.

Physical comedy to perfectly awkward comedy, the campaign captures a series of characters whom you have likely crossed paths. 

“Casting for this project was fun because we got to see a great breadth of talent who can do the layers of comedy we wanted to weave into these spots,” notes Cummings. “For the Butski & Bubkis spot, we wanted those lawyers to be lawyers – they weren’t, of course – but their performances really brought home the transgression of ‘wall theft’ and the restitution you want in that moment.”

Client: Allegiant Airlines

Agency: R&R Partners
Arnie DiGeorge, New Agency Animal/EVP
Jessica Hazen, Associate Creative Director
Jason Luery, Associate Creative Director
Don Turley, Executive Producer
Amberlee Engle, Senior Vice President of Client Partnerships
Christopher MacQueen, Senior Project Manager

Production Co: Tuff
Paul B. Cummings, Director
DJay Brawner, EP
Max Rose, EP
Samuel Brownfield, DP
Taylor Rae, Producer
Sam Shapson, 1st AD


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