Alex Bogusky writes a dieting book. Really? Yes, really.

Sorry to say, I'm knackered and can't do much more than point to this breaking news from Creativity-online and giggle a little: Whopper Leave-out? Bogusky to Write Dieting Tome

In January 2009, Alex Bogusky--the man whose agency made Burger King a pop culture icon and is carving out a similar path for pizza giant Dominos--will be debuting a new book, The 9-Inch Diet. The volume claims to be "not just another diet book" and a look at "the twisted conspiracy that's making our country fat." The book's marketing says it will focus on what many call "proportion distortion," how our plates and average serving sizes have increased over the past few decades to secretly forge a nation of fatties. This idea, and the motivation to stop the dinnerware-expanding insanity, seems to stand in sharp contrast to the agenda pushed by Crispin Porter + Bogusky, on behalf of some of its clients.
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NoCloset's picture

Will this turn out to be an elaborate joke at the end?

Dabitch's picture

...or the launch of a 9-inch burger?