Alfa Romeo "Giulia" (2017) :52 (Israel)

In just under sixty seconds this ad smacks down self-driving cars and makes driving great again. (Sorry, couldn't resist.) But the contrast is brilliant. The sterile white car with the somnolent robotic voice over asking the same questions over and over again. The man's frustration level taken to 1000 with his inability to communicate and his having to answer a thousand questions before they can just go. And finally, the great match cut when he says "drive," and we cut to the Alfa Giulia racing down a winding street. Yes it's running footage, and yes the voice over is a little over the top, but I'll forgive those quibbles. It's a car ad after all. But one with a great point. This may be the last car you can really drive. I dig it.

Client: Alfa Romeo

Creative Manager: Aviram levy
Agency: ACW GREY Tel Aviv
Copywriter: Michael Kotkes
Art director: Guy Avin
Account Manager: Shai Almagor
Account Supervisor: Shai Brownsteen
Account Executive: Sharon Daskal
Agency Producer: Gal Yaakov
Producer: Emily Wasserman / Israel Revach
Planning Manager: Omri Gitter
Director: Rani Carmeli
Production: OG
Actor: Matt Walton

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Who is the woman hoe does the voice over fo the new Alfa Romeo tv commercialsp?