Amazon - The perfect vessel for Alexa / Michael B. Jordan (2021) :60 (USA)

Alexa shows off it's new design and a woman declares it the perfect vessel for Alexa...

Then her mind wanders as Michael B. Jordan is her dream vessel for Alexa.
Innuendo points for the husband yelling: "Honey, I already ran the sprinklers! Things are getting way too wet around here."

Brand: Amazon

Creative Agency: Lucky Generals 

Media Agency: Initiative 

Director: Wayne McClammy 

Production Company: Hungry Man 

Editing: The Den 

Post-Production: The Mill 

Sound: Beacon Street Studios

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Sexism's picture

People would have been PISSED had the roles been reversed and it was the husband who got a Supermodel Alexa.

NannieM's picture

This was the only ad that made me chuckle. Things are getting too wet around here.

Anonymous Adgrunt's picture

The husband should have ordered a Beyoncé shaped Alexa to set it straight.

Dabitch's picture

That would also allow for another Superbowl Bingo celebrity checkmark.

kidsleepy's picture

"things are getting way too wet around here," slipped by heh