Amazon Prime - "Tache" (2023) :60 (UK)

A teenage girl in her room despairs over her new hair growth, the mustache, and contemplates all the awful ways one can use to get rid of it. Painful waxing? Bleaching? Dads trimmers? Ugh. As she looks around her room, she's confronted by so many famous hairy upper lips from Einstein to Frida Kahlo that she suddenly has an epiphany - she's going to rock her "Tache"! And so she does, strutting into the school like a female Freddie Mercury.

The sound editing here is terrific, really sets the mood right.

Ad agency: Wieden & Kennedy London
Creative Directors: Charlie Lanus and Lucas Reis
Creatives: Georgina Brisby, Marcelo Duarte, Spencer Llewellyn and Brendan Madden
Director: Olivia Wilde
Production: Anonymous Content

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Disgusting commercial

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Gross and disgusting! No girl ever decides to do this! What is the point of this stupid commercial?