American Girl "Saved Up" (2015) :30 (USA)

In this spot we watch as a girl does her chores and collects her allowance to buy an American Girl doll. As she clears off her shelf, you think she's getting ready to display it, but instead, she displays something even more meaningful to her. For every American Girl doll purchased until November 30th, American Girl will give a doll to a girl in need. While I don't understand why girls fancy American Girl dolls as much as they do, it's nice to see there's still some sort of positive message over the holidays. As opposed to the message of say, Coach.

Client: Mattel/American Girl
Agency: Publicis Seattle
Chief Creative Officer: Andrew Christou
Group Creative Director: Steve Williams
Creative Director: Scott Fero
Art Director: Simson Chantha
Copywriter: Amit Gurnani
Sr. Motion Designer: Travis Baker
UX Designer: Karen Hymes
Jr. Copywriter: Berri Windsor
Head of Strategy & Media: Britt Fero
Sr. Strategist: JP Martin
Account Directors: Paul Villa and Maria Schoonover
Project Managers: Katie Klein and Rachel Yanofsky
Director of Business Affairs: Deb Groth

Producers: Alison Ormiston and Leah Dickey

Director of Studio Production: Ricky Fischer
Sr. Studio Designer: Kathy Oneha
Digital Production Artist: Maddy Homen
Studio Artist: Chris Gallegos
Digital Production Artist: Kiry Luc
Studio Proofreader: Jenny Keene

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