Anchor Light - Amy & Anna Switch Jobs (2017) (USA)

Amy Schumer & Anna Wintour switch jobs in this Silver Clio winning long playing commercial/skit that never reaches the point of mentioning the brand that sponsored this fruitless excersize. It all begins in Anna Wintours office, where Amy claims to totally be able to do what Anna does. A second of sunglass-covered icy stare later, it's on. Anna and Amy will switch jobs.

And that's where the spots loses all the charm, because now we will spend too long watching Amy not understand that protein and greens is actually a decent lunch, a few moments of clumsy slapstick, and a disdain at visual skills such as being able to see the difference between things. It's extremely difficult to find this funny. So I won't.

That's why it's hilarious that Anna Wintour, known as the ice-queen who can make a fashion brand and break anyones career with just a sideways glance behind her sunglasses, is, for at least a brief moment, actually believable as a somewhat welcomed standup comedian in the same club as the one Seinfeld famously performed at. If it wasn't so close to reality, maybe the whole skit would actually be funny - but I think Anna Wintour could out-do Amy Schumer in anything..

Client: Anchor Light
Director: Ryan McFaul
Cinematographer: Kevin Hayden
Producer: Sydney Buchan
Producer: Mai Fujiwara
Editor: Jeremy Manual

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