Apple - Behind the Mac / Daniel Johnston - All people (2018) :60 (USA)

All of the "behind the mac" portrait ads showing a single photographer, artist or musician behind their mac is here edited together for one manifesto ad. Grimes screams at the screen as her mac crashes, another artist is tired and wiping his face, Lynsey Addario is staring intently at her screen, people collect in a classroom behind one guy and his laptop...

The song, "Story of an Artist" by Daniel Johnston is hands down the absolutely worst possible choice of music for this ad. Not only is the title quite on the nose for what the ad wants to depict, which is lazy, but the cult artist is really an acquired taste that only real fans and hipsters claim to love. 

Ad agency: Media Arts Lab, Los Angeles
Apple Macbook: “Make Something Wonderful”
Music: Story of an Artist - Daniel Johnston
Principal talent; Bruce Hall, Grimes, Peter Kariuki, Lynsey Addario
Director: Andrew Dominik

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