AppleTV welcome Messi to Miami with a simple billboard

Apple TV just tweeted out a single word, and this photograph of their billboard on Twitter earlier. "Bienvenido," they said, welcoming Messi to Miami where this billboard is. Sometimes less really is more.

AppleTV has also just announced they have a documentary series about Messi's career, who is widely considered to be the greatest-of-all-time, aka "goat". The series, created by SMUGGLER Entertainment, follows the journey of the seven-time Ballon d'Or winner through his five FIFA World Cup appearances. It culminates in his FIFA World Cup Qatar 2022 win, which was one of the most exciting finals in history.

The soccer legend announced his signing with Inter Miami in MLS after winning last year's World Cup with Argentina. This move is a big win for both the club and the league, and Apple has secured MLS streaming rights for the next decade. So, if you want to watch Messi do what he does best, you better get AppleTV.

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