Ariston Aqualtis - Underwater World (2006) 0:48 (Italy)

Ad Agency: Leo Burnett Italy


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RLDavies's picture

I'm always fascinated by the differences in advertising in different countries.

We have virtually the same ad running here in the UK for Aqualtis, but without the shot of the washer at the beginning, so you have to figure out what's going on. At the end, the young child is watching the laundry together with his mother, so it doesn't look like he's unsupervised. If memory serves, he's playing with a sock or handkerchief, making it move like the ones in the animation. Or else he's playing with a toy fish. I'll have to look again next time it's on.

And there's certainly no "dying fish" flopping sock at the end, which would be a BIG turn-off in Britain.

blabla's picture

I was just thinking that I remember it as the child was not alone. This was driving me mad when I found the ad here, there must be a second edit.