"Bath Store - "Wash away" (2020) :30 (UK)

A woman studies her face in the mirror, and sees that her skin is covered in tweets, emails, texts, and all sorts of digital alerts from the busy day. As she enters the shower all of this washes away.


A nice way of showing how a relaxing shower or bath actually feels. It certainly helps that the bathroom looks fabulous. I want one! Cannes Grand Prix winner Jaron Albertin directed, while American singer-songwriter Maggie Koerner added the soothing tune. 


Executive Creative directors Dave Henderson and Guy Bradbury say ‘we are bombarded with digital messages throughout our day, scrolling through 90 metres of social media alone. In this campaign we wanted to show how the bathroom is probably the only room in our homes that can totally transform and refresh how we feel, washing away the stresses of our day.

Agency: Atomic London
Director Jaron Albertin
Production Company: Smuggler
Clients: Lidsay Cole, Dan Cuomo
Executive Creative Directors: Dave Henderson & Guy Bradbury
Business Director: Louise Rudiasky
Account Director: Lisa St Allen-Hill
Strategic Lead: Steve Hopkins
Strategist: Summer Taylor

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