Bijan Mustardson puns around in his latest mustard spots

Here's the latest spot with Bijan Robinson for Bijan Mustardson, the mustard brand he co-founded last year with Austin agency Callen. The idea comes from Bijan rhyming with Dijon. I wonder if his mom loved mustard when she was pregnant with him?

Have you noticed the recent trend of NFL players teaming up with condiment brands? It's definitely been one of the more outrageous storylines leading up to the upcoming NFL season. For instance, the Tennessee Titans quarterback, Will Levis, who famously puts mayonnaise in his coffee, just signed a deal with Hellmann's for a lifetime supply of mayo. Mayo in coffee? I don't understand it, and I put cheese in my coffee.

I digress, another example is the latest ad featuring Bijan Robinson for Bijan Mustardson, the mustard brand he co-founded last year.

The ad has been getting attention for its outlandish premise that even the most creative player-scriptwriters could not have dreamed up. The ad has also sparked a lot of reactions from fans and sportswriters alike. Some find it cringeworthy, while others think it's intentionally corny and self-aware.

All we need now is someone to launch or partner with a Ketchup brand and our NFL condiment collection will be complete.

Client : Bijan Mustardson
Agency :Callen
Chief Creative Officer & Director :Craig Allen
DP :Lee Phelan
Art Director :Casey Phillips
Copywriter :Russ Rizzo
Head of Production :Amy Kommatas
Producer :Janice Woods
Managing Director :David Hughes
Account Director :Payton Brown
Edit :Nomad Editing Company
Editor :Dan Maloney
Assistant Editor :Zoe Newman
Executive Producer :Meredith Roach
Producer :Marlee Cutbirth
VFX/Flame Artist :David Hannah
Color :Louis Kreusel
Audio/Mix :Chris Erlon

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