Bola Pra Frente Institute - "Shots of change" billboards from bulletholes

When the Bola Pra Frente Institute needed to attract 600 kids to their open spots in their sports & education after school program, they had one rather large problem. Operating in one of the most violent favelas in Rio de Janeiro, Favela do Muquiço, there were no advertising billboards to advertising on. No poster sites, no direct mail. To reach the parents, whose children are often used as drug mules in the violent favela, and show them that there's an alternative route in life, Agência3 and a former student from the Bola Pra Frente Institute set out to transform the many bullet holes on walls into billboards. Graffiti turned the bullet-holes into football strategies. The line reads "Life changes inside the four lines." The parents, unreachable by any other media, now saw a way out for their children, a place where they could be safe and educate themselves after school. Where the could play sports instead of run drugs. As a result after these posters appeared, all 600 places at the Bola Pra Frente Institute were filled. See case study "Shots of change" as well.

Ad agency: Agência3, Rio de Janeiro.

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