- Passions / Haka - (2016) :30 (The Netherlands)

Created for the UK market by Wieden+Kennedy Amsterdam, this campaign centers on peoples passions as destination. Some are passionate about Haka, which is an advertising visual classic because it's fun to watch. Countdown to complaints about appropriating Māori culture by enticing people to go to New Zealand in two minus ten seconds.

Genevieve Hoey, W+K Amsterdam Creative Director, says: “ is a platform for the people. It’s where travellers go to really lean into their search, to comb the globe to find the perfect place to indulge their passion. Creatively, inspiration arose from these Booking bookers, and we’re hoping this work will inspire others to travel for their heart’s desire.”

See also Truffles and Medieval battle.

Executive Creative Director : Mark Bernath & Eric Quennoy
Creative Director : Genevieve Hoey, Sean Condon, Joe Burrin

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Anonymous Adgrunt's picture
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Michael Aird's picture

Well, just because you cynically predict opposition, is that supposed to disarm the critique? How many more last samurais are we going to have to suffer through? It's gross watching white people frolic like this...

kidsleepy's picture

"Well, just because you cynically predict opposition, is that supposed to disarm the critique?"

No, and that sentence doesn't imply it, either.

Dabitch's picture


tangleddragon78's picture

......hmmmmm...nah....Somehow doesn't sit right with me. It's kind of like somebody has forgotten how to keep some things sacred and has pretty much bastardised our very special war dance ...leave it to the appropriate persons to perform please!!!! its about RESPECT of culture and chicks(ladies) have their own version and shouldn't be doing the same one as what the all blacks do.

Dabitch's picture

> talking about respect
> "chicks(ladies)"

Chris's picture

Wow... Racist much?

Sport's picture

What is racist here?