The Bootsy Collins #IGiveAFunk Kickstarter campaign is up and humming!

Once upon a time called right now, a funky outer space bassist by the name of Bootsy Collins owned the Twitterverse by coming up with a Kickstarter campaign with a funky hashtag attached.

Welcome to #IGiveAFunk. This Kickstarter campaign is designed to bring the funk on tour to places far and wide, big and small, with the help of those who give a funk.

Not only is Bootzilla planning to take the time to gentrify your sleepy mind with his interplanetary funk, but he's also fighting for what matters most.

From the Kickstarter page:

We need to let it be known:

#IGiveAFunk about my music
#IGiveAFunk about artists owning their own work
#IGiveAFunk about artists owning their own image
#IGiveAFunk about our youth
#IGiveAFunk about our health care
#IGiveAFunk about seeing THE FUNK
#IGiveAFunk about what is important to YOU

Bootsy's grass roots movement is sidestepping the big labels and the Freehadists to help keep his image intact and bring the cosmic funk to the people.

So do yourself a favor, Star Child: Check out the video below, and then go to his Kickstarter page and help a brother from another mothership out. This boss who gave us the interplanetary sounds of dirty uncut funk but for you noobs out there, he also played bass on Dee-Lite's Groove Is In The Heart, too.

So get your wallet out and bring the funk to your town. I've had the pleasure of working with him personally and I can say you will be forever changed if you receive it.

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