Bouygues - Dancing Dad / Christmas 2018 (France) 1:38 (2018)

Based on a universal family truth, dad dancing means different things depending on your age. Dad dancing first delights his young son, then it's just fun. Eventually, it turns barely bearable, and then right into embarrassing "please don't do this dad" when the boy turns to man. But this isn't your regular doofus-dad ad, no. Because when the son becomes a father himself, he carries on the dancing tradition. Because dad dancing is communication, and it means "love".

Ka-pow, you got me right in the feels there, Bouygues. Well played!

Bouygues Christmas 2018 - Dad dancing

Director: Martin Werner

Ad Agency: BETC Paris

Music: "Come and Get Your Love" by Redbone

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kamari's picture

How did I miss this ad? It's great.

Anonymous Adgrunt's picture

This is a great Christmas ad, I wish the 2020 crop would rise to this level.