Breast Cancer Awareness, you get it from everything , Malaysia

Breast Cancer Awareness and Saatchi&Saatchi, Malaysia would like to remind us all that you get cancer from pretty much every-dang-thing, ever. Or not.
As scary as this is to read, it won't get me into one of those breast crushing machines. Ever notice that whenever they speak about Breast Cancer on the news they always show some middle-aged woman getting her mammaries crushed in that thing?* You don't see the news showing the doctor snap on a plastic glove and say "now this won't hurt a bit" or the actual embarrasing examination when they talk about prostate cancer. No fair.

* yes, this probably only happens in Scandinavia, but trust me every time they even get close to talking about women's health, presto - middle aged lady doing a breast cancer exam, in living color and close up. Sadly the Breast Cancer Awareness people have yet to tackle the fear this has caused in a generation of younger women who really don't want to get their boobs flattened like pancakes in a weird machine on the national news. We know about the cancer, we're avoiding the freaky and seemingly very public exam.

Executive Creative Director(s): Adrian Miller Executive & Edmund Choe
Art Director: Yee Wai Khuen
Copywriters: Quah Chia Seng & Adrian Miller

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alex's picture

Related to this, I saw a poster above the urinals in my local pub last night. It said:


Now this is all very worthy. But it assumes two things: one, that you are most likely to examine your testicles after you've done your fly up, and two, that you are at all likely to have a preventative rummage while standing at a public urinal. Or is this too much information?

(Incidentally, anything is preferable to having one's bollocks crushed in a scanner. Luckily, they haven't thought of that one yet.)

Dabitch's picture

If they ever do, I pray they show it in action on the TV news every time they report on prostate cancer (which should be more often than it is reported now considering the similar numbers of victims to be honest). Equality now!

tod.brody's picture

Perhaps we should make this suggestion to Action News 7. It's certainly more of a public service than the bird poop story.

alex's picture

So you wouldn't settle for a more subtle Beautiful Agony type image then? Thought not.