Bud Light – Real Life PacMan #UpForWhatever - (2015) :90 (USA)

Continuing their idea from 2014 Super Bowl XLVIII, the Bud Light Super Bowl XLIX Commercial engages a man in a game of Real Life PacMan, hashtags it #UpForWhatever and hopes this will take off. While a giant game of pac man seems like a lot of fun, perhaps difficult to watch from the sidelines instead of from above, and we all like big parties with good DJ's, the end result ad seems like it was more fun for the people involved than watching it. Which is fine, if you can imagine stunts like these might happen to you, or if events like these actually did happen at random around the US and not just once for a super bowl shoot. There will be more to come during the bowl, according to the release, so maybe Bud Light #Upforwhatever events around the US are part of this plan. In which case, yes, I'll have a Bud Light *eyes darting left right* Where are the cameras?

Ad agency: Energy BBDO
Client: Bud Light

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