Buddy Lee and Co. eventually make the news

The regular net media is finally catching on...

See the Wired News Article about The Mahir trick from Fallon

Course, we knew this already. See: Paul and Linus at Fallon do a Mahir

A couple of new, cheesy personal home pages have started making a buzz on the Net.
Rubberburner.com and Supergreg.com were passed around via email and picked up by numerous weblogs -- link sites that function as an informal, unofficial Net underground.
Apparently, a lot of people thought they had found the new Mahir.
If only.
Like the Turkish wannabe lover whose quaintly naive homepage made him the laughing stock and/or darling of sophisticated Web surfers, Rubberburner and Supergreg seem to be the personal Web pages of people who are hopelessly out of touch.
Rubberburner.com is the home page of Curry, "a slim and handsome race car driver."
The site shows half-a-dozen glamor shots of Curry wearing a tasteless leather Evel Knievel jumpsuit unzipped to his navel, revealing bare chest and gold locket.
"Bold, handsome, confident, and good-looking are the words that immediately come to my mind when I try to describe my personality," Curry says. "On second thought, other words that come up are gorgeous, sexy, and brave."

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