Buick - Big game meets big day (2016) :30 (USA)

This ad feels like a forced match between celebrities already promised a script, and some creatives frantically scrambling to make a script that fits them whilst checking the super bowl ad bingo card "wedding", "american football move". Here we have the New York Giants wide receiver Odell Beckham Jr. and model/actress Emily Ratajkowski. Oh shit, forgot to mention the car brand - "that's a Buick?" SOLD!

Buick "Wedding"
Agency: Leo Burnett Detroit
Production Company: Tool of North America
Editorial Company: Arcade

VFX/Post Production: Timber
Creative Director: Jonah Hall & Kevin Lau
Lead Flame Artist: Brian Schneider
Flame Artists: Mark Loso, Miles Klinghorn, Jeff Schulman
Artists: Joe Zaki, Eric Almeras
Tracking: Graham Herbster, Carl Ayala, CG Labs
CG: Kevin Ferrara.
Executive Producer: Sabrina Elizondo
Producer: Sean Sullivan

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