Burn Energy Drink - Ride / 3 minute skater stunt film

Coca-Cola Europe with the help of Publicis Mojo, Sydney finally look like they have a shot at toppling Red Bull from the top throne of the European market. Forget "dance all night" type ads aimed at the techno-crowd, and say hello to short films featuring kids doing crazy things as they burn energy, and in this one literally burn.

A portfolio of three short films, ‘Ride’ (dir Garth Davis), ‘Playground’ (dir Glendyn Ivin) and ‘Peepshow’ (dir Jonathan Hill), kick off the integrated programme. The films will be activated online with strategic seeding in over 65 community channels and will feature in Burn-branded social media spaces and an online hub. The series tells the stories of real-life characters from the skate, music, and snowboarding communities. ‘Playground’ and ‘Peepshow’ are pure lyrical documentary, shot in urban Philadelphia and Quebec City respectively. The Garth Davis-directed ‘Ride’, shot in Mexico City, is a piece whose gritty reality is heightened by flaming trails that the skaters leave in their wake, a metaphor for their fierce creative expression.

Coca-Cola Europe
Publicis Mojo Sydney
Production Company:
Garth Davis
Craig Davis (Chief Creative Officer)
Micah Walker (Executive Creative Director)
Ian Williamson, (Creative)
Grieg Fraser (DoP)
Pip Smart, (Agency Producer)
Jack Hutchings (Editor)
Other Credits:
Creatives – Ian Williamson, Andrew Ostrom, Ruth Bellotti, Kirsty Gavin
Production – Pip Smart, Corey Esse, Ali Dunlop, Lisa Vermaak
Strategy – Graham Ritchie, Simone Ellis, Will Davie
Client Service – Simon Ludowyke

Music Supervisor - Karl Richter at Level 2 Music
Sound Mix - Jason Murphy at GAS
Editor - Jack Hutchings at The Butchery
VFX - Colin Renshaw - Cutting Edge
Digital Partners – The Rumpus Room, London
Creative Lead – Tomas Roope
Production Lead– Steve Wyles
Technical Lead – Kentaro Yamada
Social Media Strategy – Jessica MacCormick

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Dabitch's picture

Yeah, I might just have to try a can of Burn. You know, to support cool campaigns.