Cannes 48 Hours competition is now on: Save The Childrens films all over youtube

It was Friday the 13th when the brief went live, but that didn't stop the young creatives from answering the brief with complete edited films uploaded to the Cannes channel, within 48 hours. The brief - make people aware that their support is needed to invest in health around the world, they can sign a petition that will help save lives at Save the children. Lets have a look at a few of the contenders, shall we?

The Collector. Man who collects autographs shows us around his house to point out his favorite signatures.

Smiles will leave you wondering what people are smiling about.

and here's a creepy little animation to top it off.

I've not seen all of the videos, in fact I've had a hard time finding them as they're not centrally listed yet so if you want people to see your video feel free to use the embed code and add it to the comments here. Cheers!

All of these ideas are now at the mercy of the judges.
Agnello Dias - Chairman, Co-founder Taproot India
Keith Ho - Executive Creative Director Grey Hong Kong
Gerry Human - Executive Creative Director Ogilvy & Mather Worldwide
Jens Mortier - Partner, Creative Director mortierbrigade
Meera Sharath - Executive Creative Director UK Momentum Worldwide

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Anonymous Adgrunt's picture
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Diego Palmeiro's picture this is my submission... hope you enjoy it and any comment is appreciated thx!

Harry Osborne's picture

This is my entry. Cheers, H.

Li Peng Cheok's picture

My entry. :)

How happy-fying to see so many other awesome videos as well!

Li Peng Cheok's picture

Whoops how weird. The video isn't appearing.

Oh wells, the link is: :)

Dabitch's picture

Oh I see it. Nice one.

It's great to see so many entries, thanks for sharing everyone!

Raimonds Platacis's picture
Dabitch's picture

Here's another one

Submitted here Call for help as a commercial (but without uploading the film).

edit: to clarify, immortalizing your entry in the archives is cool, but if you do that the category should be 'spec work' and the film should be uploaded here, not a youtube link. Cheers.

aionbato's picture
Mentor's picture

Impossible. Pointless.

Ben Majoy's picture

Here's another for your eyes/heart.

Gicosk's picture

My entry :) It was a great experience, hope you like it!

Gicosk's picture
Dabitch's picture

Hey, Raimonds_Platacis, sorry about that this morning - I saw your post (I check moderation queue with my morning coffee) but not your comment... and then I dashed off to another busy day so here I see now that you've already posted it in the comments! Thumbs up.

Double checking all the emails I got, I see those entries here in the comments too. Good job - I'm quite busy and if you want eyeballs now use the power all the spammers know how to abuse and just put it in the comments. Cheers!

Neo's picture

Mentor What is impossible? The brief? Or saving children and women?

Ben Majoy's entry will yank the heartstrings of every parent out there. Well done.