Carlton Draught - Skytroopers / Halftime show - (2008) 1:20 (Australia)

Agency : Clemenger BBDO, Melbourne

Agency : Clemenger BBDO, Melbourne
Peter Whitmore (Editor)
James McGrath (Executive Creative Director)
Ant Keogh & Grant Rutherford (Creative Director)
Grant Rutherford (Art Director)
Ant Keogh (Copywriter)
Julie Rutherford (Agency Producer)
Peter Masterton (Producer)

Director :Paul middleditch
Prod. Co. : Plaza Films
Post Production: Animal Logic
Sound House: Park Road Post Production
Sound Engineers: Nigel Scott & Michael Hedges

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Anonymous Adgrunt's picture
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alex's picture

Love it. The humour makes it for me.

kurtberengeiger's picture

A small ad. Long, but still small. In comparison with the big ad that is.

adlib's picture

Grumpy Mr "It wouldn't make me buy it" is the best touch.

Hygge's picture

I agree with kgeiger.
It's nice but not great, which it should have been considering the budget and the product.

aiiobo's picture

Not as fantastic as the first one but a million miles better than the flashdance crap.