Citroen - check yourself / zipper - (2008) :30 (Germany)

Yes, you're looking smart but not smart enough....
Director Henry Littlechild (Outsider)
Agency: Euro RSCG Düsseldorf

Title: "Zipper"
AirDate: June 15, 2008

Agency: Euro RSCG Düsseldorf
Creative(s): Torsten Pollmann, Florian Meimberg
Producer: Meike van Meegen

Production Company: Outsider
Director: Henry Littlechild
DP: Ian Foster
Producer, Outsider: Ben Roberts
Producer, Markenfilm Berlin: Florian Zizmann

Editor: Arthur Jagodda

Postproduction: VCC Berlin

Music & Sound Mix: Studio Funk Berlin / Düsseldorf

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I'm fairly confident that bit of white shirt isn't visible until you see it in the mirror. I know the ad wouldn't work if you could tell his zipper was open all the way through, but still...