CNN - Go There Thank you - first responders (2020) :30 (USA)

Syn is proud to have contributed music to CNN’s message of gratitude to the essential men and women who selflessly and courageously help others in need despite potential personal risk. The first tribute film, “Thank You,” features moving still images of healthcare's first responders who are compassionately and tirelessly confronting the realities of the COVID-19 global pandemic. 

For “Thank You,” Syn’s creative director Nick Wood re-arranged an existing CNN theme featuring piano by Los Angeles-based John Jones accompanied by strings that were originally orchestrated by Todd Hayen. Together, Syn’s international team crafted a befitting track to support the film's powerful imagery. Collaborating remotely with CNN in Atlanta and Compadre in Los Angeles the project was produced for air in just a few days.

Network: CNN

Executive VP and Chief Marketing Officer CNN Worldwide: Allison Gollust

Senior Vice President Creative Marketing; Rick Lewchuk

Vice President Creative Marketing: Whit Friese

Creative Director/Digital Marketing: Yonathan Gebreyes

Creative Director of Production: Ned Reid

Sr. Director of Production: Matt Barnett

Sr. Production Manager: Laura Scott

Production Resource Manager: Denise Patierno

Senior Designer: Jobel José-Bombase


Design Studio: Compadre

Partner/Co-Owner: Robert Blatchford

Partner/Co-Owner: Chuck Carey

ECD: Curtis Doss

Director of Strategy and Writing/Creative: Mika Saulitis

HOP: Jessica Scharer

Producer: Brent Lang

Editor: Dan Lee

Graphics: Dave Drage


Music Production: Syn

Music Producer: Nick Wood

Piano: John Jones

Orchestrator: Todd Hayen

Mix Engineer: Takashi Akaku

Production assistant: Mathieu Kranich

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