Colorado Lottery - Grateful Outdoors (2023) :30 (USA)

For 16 years, creative agency Cactus has been making Coloradans laugh with their irreverently funny ads for the Colorado Lottery – the latest, entitled “Grateful Outdoors,” celebrates 40 years and $4 billion in lottery proceeds donated to the Colorado outdoors with an all-new 40th Anniversary scratch-off game. We have talking trees and a friendly chill talking bear.


"Celebrating 40 years and $4 billion dollars in proceeds back into the places Coloradans play through parks, trails, open space, wildlife, and outdoor equity, is an enormous milestone for the Colorado Lottery," Tom Seaver, director of the Colorado Lottery, says. "We look forward to adding billions more in the years to come. Our business model will continue to focus on our three pillars of revenue, responsibility, and conservation."


In the new spot, a pair of hikers are greeted by a friendly tree and rock who are eager to thank them for supporting nature by being avid Colorado Lottery players and offering them the newest scratch-off game. That’s when a friendly bear slaps them on the back and reassuringly notes, “and to think I was going to eat you.”


Ethan Nosky, Lottery Intelligence Supervisor for Cactus, adds the agency’s perspective in celebrating the 40th Anniversary milestone. “Having a purpose-driven client partner like Colorado Lottery, and seeing the impact that $4 billion has made on our state - it’s the inspiration for all our work with them,” Nosky says. “Creating the 40th Anniversary Celebration Scratch ticket campaign was an exciting challenge for our team, highlighting a great new product while telling the conservation story of the Colorado Lottery."

Client: Colorado Lottery

Project: “Grateful Outdoors” (:30)

Airdate: March 2023


Agency: Cactus, Denver, CO

Group Creative Director: Shea Tullos

Creative Director: Patrick Campbell 

Senior Art Director: Spencer Beuerle

Senior Copywriter: Joey Spearman 

Production Director: Martha Douglas

Brand Strategy Director: Stacey Trunnell

Account Director: Danielle Deats

Lottery Intelligence Supervisor: Ethan Nosky

Senior Account Manager: Leah Glazer

Project Manager: Torrie Eberhard


Production Company: More Media, Los Angeles, California

Director Ben Berman

Director of Photography: Dan Alderstein

Executive Producer Stephen Buchanan

Executive Producer Blaize Saunders

Line Producer Danny Taff


Post-Production Company: KreatureKid, Denver, CO

Owner / Designer / Sculptor: Adam Dougherty


Bear performer from Animatronic Bear Studios.

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Matthew Mason's picture

The bear was provided and performed by Animatronic Bear Studios

Dabitch's picture

Thank you for the extra info, Matthew! I appreciate that, everyone should get their credits. I added it to the list.