Comviq - Veronica Maggio single launched on ringback tone service - (2011)

Ever since Veronica Maggio debuted on the music scene in Sweden, Swedes have gone gaga over her (pun! Sorry). She's a breath a of fresh air, on the cover of every magazine, she's skyrocketed to the top of Spotify's most listened to list, and her new single launched via telephone ringtone. Yep. No, not the ringtone on the phone, rather the "Ringback tones service" from Comviq where a song of your choice replaces the dull dial-tone you'd otherwise hear when calling someone.
One phone-number in Sweden had this song as ringback tone service, it was Firat Delen's phone and for two weeks this was the only way you could hear Veronica Maggios new single. Firat Delen's phone was ringing off the hook, he had his 15 minutes of fame on facebook, radio talkshows and everywhere else, all the while his phone kept ringing. Radio stations called him just to listen to it, and the single went "gold" before it was even released. Amazingly 56% of the callers signed up immediately for the ringback tone service, which Comviq's competitor 3 has been offering for years already. Well played.

Client: Comviq
Ad Agency: Forsman & Bodenfors
Art Director: Annika Frankel
Copywriter: Robert Lund, Marcus Hagglöf
Designer: Axel Söderlund
Agency Producer: Magnus Kennhed
Web Producer:Peter Gaudiano
Digital Innovation: Stefan Thomson
Production Company: ACNE
Director: Marcus Svanberg
PR: Spotlight PR & Universal Music
Music: Veronica Maggio

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Anyone else get that song stuck in their heads now?