Critic Critique Thyself

Though the official reason for the recent redesign was to make it more "reader friendly," in truth it's anything but.

While the previous version was straightforward and easy to navigate, the "new and improved" is a fragmented, frustrating mess that emphasizes graphics
over ease of use

Ad critic Bob Garfield's column has been separated from the main magazine content and shifted to a spin-off site called

Garfield probably doesn't have reason to search his own archives because if he did, he might be critical of the fact that they somehow got lost in the move

The old site had a straightforward list of Garfield archives dating back to 1995. Only a dozen or so recent ones can be unearthed on the new site.
And the dysfunctional search engine isn't good for anything but challenging
your sanity.

Perhaps AdReview's design is an attempt to reflect many of the spots it features--all
style, no substance.

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