Dannon Oikos Greek Yogurt - The Tease (2012) :30 (USA)

The spot airs in the 3rd quarter and stars John Stamos and is a UGC spot by Remy Neymarc of New Jersey via a contest by Poptent. This will be the first time for the brand to appear in the Super Bowl Ad lineup.

Agency: Poptent
Agency: Y&R
Concept: Remy Neymarc

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AnonymousCoward's picture

Humor always works, and most men would have a taken a little pleasure in seeing John Stamos being head butted! Thanks Adland for keeping New Zealand up to play with the ads too - the game is streamed without the ad here!

Dabitch's picture

SPOUSAL ABUSE IS SO FUNNY - seriously guys, quit this shit.

Also, isn't that the guy from full house?

Brent T.L.'s picture

This spot is disturbing in many ways.