Diesel - Make Love Not Walls - #MAKELOVENOTWALLS (2017) 1:40 (UK)

Music video or advert? It's hard to tell when Nicola Formichetti & David Lachapelle get together, to be honest. Diesel's Creative Director Nicola Formichetti explains: ‘We have a strong position against hate and more than ever we want the world to know that.' So this entire ad is about unity and love, and literally breaking through walls that may have separated people. That's the coolest shot in this whole thing, the wall breaking.

Several well-known models star in this music-video-advert, including transgender model Laith Ashley.

The rainbow-coloured inflatable tank featured in the ad will appear in London today, then making its way around Milan, Shanghai, New York, Berlin and Tokyo with the hope of communicating this message across the world. For Formichetti, “Love and togetherness is crucial in creating a society we all want to live in, and the future we all deserve.”

Client: Diesel
Artistic Director at Diesel: Nicola Formichetti

Director: David LaChapelle

Principal talent: Laith Ashley

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